Alda Gibson

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About Me


Who is Alda Gibson?

alda gibson cognitive hypnotherapy

Originally from the Northwest, I started my career as a nurse working in many settings including the NHS and Army, before moving into social care and senior management of support services for a variety of individuals across the UK.  I have supported people at all stages in their lives and worked to ensure that they received the services they needed.

Since the start of my career, I have worked with teams to develop individuals to reach their potential and achieve their goals.

What is Cognitive Hypnotherapy?

Cognitive Hypnotherapy uses natural trance states that we all experience each day to help people to find solutions from within to their problems, person led it allows individuals to reach their goals and look at what they want in their lives. Hypnotic trance is not an altered state so you are aware throughout the session and are in full control during the sessions, you can participate if you choose. I am committed to working with you and allowing you the time and space to reach the solution that is best for you in total confidence that what is shared in the therapy is completely confidential.

Why Cognitive Hypnotherapy?

I found Cognitive Hypnotherapy at a difficult time in my life when I had lost self-confidence and self-worth, it enabled me to realise that the answers were within and changed my perspective on my life. It showed me some of the self-limiting beliefs I held and gave me understanding of who I was changing the way I dealt with situations and giving me to tools to use in the future.

The reason I am here offering my services is because of the therapy and how it showed me it is possible to be in a lonely place filled with self-doubt , and a lack of self-love and by understanding how it is events in your life that have lead you there you can turn it around and gain so much from understanding yourself.

For me it is a way of working with individuals on a one-to-one basis, a person led approach allowing the individual to find their solutions and be themselves embracing their power from within.

The Strength of Cognitive Hypnotherapy

The strength of Cognitive Hypnotherapy is everything is tailored to that person, there are many different approaches that can be used as all of us are different.

Working together we can reach the solution that allows you to take control, understand you, move forward and achieve your aim.

I have seen for myself how powerful it can be and how using our strengths we can make changes in our lives and feel whole again. It is understanding what makes us do what we do, that it is based on protection but sometimes we are limiting ourselves. It is surprising how using the resources we have we can create that positive change, learning that we have control when working with our emotions to gain confidence, look at things differently and grow into the person we have always wanted to be.

As a therapist I am here to help you to find the right solution for the problem that may be holding you back, to work with you to look at why you believe those things about yourself and how we can change your view.

I use a flexible approach and together we can focus on the solution that will work for you allowing you to have the freedom to make your future how you want it to be.

What is Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)?

NLP is a way of enabling you to alter the way in which you behave and feel about your problem, so as to create new patterns that work better for you.

As individual as we are so out perceptions about the world around us, how we experience this, what our reality is as we use our senses to filter what we experience. We each have our own unique model of our world. This determines how we react to outside influences, how we behave, how we react. By understanding how our view affects our responses is a way to enable choice, to understand why we behave in certain situations and by understanding the inner resources we have we can create change for a positive outcome.

I will be beside you to guide and create the atmosphere for you to find and use those resources for positive change. I am here to work with you to find and create the path for you to reach your outcomes in your own individual way. Not all the techniques I am able to access involve hypnosis, each session is as individual as you are.

Through Cognitive Hypnotherapy and NLP I help clients with...

& Motivation



& Self-hypnosis

Anxiety/Stress Management


& Fears



Dealing with
Unwanted Habits

with Trauma

Much More...

My Qualifications